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Become a member!

Your support is needed - preferably as a member of AMIS. We need as many members as possible to be as strong as possible. You can be a member both as a supporter and as an active member in projects.

Do not hesitate to become a member - or support AMIS' work. All strength is needed.

It costs only DKK 150 per year to be a member of AMIS, or DKK 12.50 per month.

You will have the opportunity to participate in our activities, initiatives, and projects.

Membership includes
  • A welcome package with materials about AMIS.
  • There is a general meeting once a year.
  • Regular information letters throughout the year.
  • Opportunities to engage in our activities, initiatives, and projects.

You can sign up through mobile pay 202655 - remember to write your email and address. You can also sign up through the form below.